Biz4Kids Advocates
A Biz4Kids Advocate invests in early childhood development through donations of time, funds, products, or services. This could be as simple as marketing an upcoming parenting class, organizing employees to volunteer at a preschool, to financially sponsoring a ready for kindergarten training.
To participate, review and complete the Biz4Kids Advocate Form or reach out to [email protected]
Thank you so much for all the companies that advocated for early learning through their generous contribution.
2025 Early Childhood Advocates
- Aviva Health
- CHI Mercy Health/Mercy Foundation
- Douglas County SHRM
- The Ford Family Foundation
- First Interstate Bank
- Greater Douglas United Way
- Rogue Community Credit Union
- Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB)
- Thrive Umpqua
- Umpqua Dairy
2024 Early Childhood Advocates
- Abby’s Pizza
Aviva Health
CHI Mercy Health – Mercy Medical Center
Express Employment Professionals
Family Faith and Relationship Advocates (FARA)
Lone Rock Resources
Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB)
Umpqua Economic Development Partnership
2023 Early Childhood Advocates
- Aviva Health
- CCD Business Development Corporation
- CHI Mercy Health - Mercy Medical Center
- Douglas ESD & Jackson County DESD
- First Interstate Bank
- The Ford Family Foundation
- i.e. Engineering
- Roseburg Riddle Plywood
- Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB)
- UCAN Head Start/Early Head Start
- Umpqua Dairy
- Umpqua Economic Development Partnership
- Umpqua Health Alliance
- YMCA of Douglas County
Please note: This list is updated monthly for the current year. Workplaces who have earned the designation in the current month, will be displayed beginning the following month.